

SUBCULTURE  Sikhismo:  R eligion and philosophy founded in the Punjab region of the Indian subcontinent in the late 15th century. Its members are known as Sikhs. The Sikhs call their faith Gurmat (Punjabi: “the Way of the Guru”). According to Sikh tradition, Sikhism was established by Guru Nanak (1469–1539) and subsequently led by a succession of nine other Gurus. They believe in only one God. God has no form or gender. Sikhs have an ideal that combines action with belief, that is, to live a good life a person must do good deeds and meditate with God. They also believe that human beings spent their time in a cycle of birth, life, and rebirth. They also believe in Karma and this establishes the quality of life according to how well or badly the person behaved in their previous life. Hinduism: Hinduism is the world’s oldest religion, according to many scholars, with roots and customs dating back more than 4,000 years. Today, with about 900 milli


 LEWIS MODEL IN INDIA CULTURE  The citizens of India are in the middle of two categories of the Lewis model, these are multi-active and reactive. With this we understand that they have a bit of both characteristics, however, when coming to Colombia for an exchange, they could face certain problems in this culture so different from their own in terms of the behavior of people in the city of Barranquilla. As Barranquilleros are part of the Multi-active culture, they tend to be more talkative which is not very common in India culture. This could be the first problem for them, because they may not like to waste time in banal conversations. Second, in India they prioritize courtesy and respect for others, so being in Barranquilla where people tend to be very disrespectful of with the authorities, rules and people, this behavior could couse discomfor to the people of india. Finally, many people in the city of Barranquilla are unpunctual so if the person from India makes plans to meet somewhe

Gender stereotypes

INDIA AND COLOMBIA Gender stereotypes             Based on what is learned in class, brainstorm what you think you know about gender roles in the other culture? We believe that the Indian population is predominantly sexist. It is possible that the woman dedicates herself more to taking care of the home and raising children while the man is in charge of working and financially supporting his family. We also believe that it is possible for men to have more freedom in certain behaviors such as having more than one partner without being judged. Also, the male workforce may be larger and their wages higher. Women in India are sold to the highest bidder. Write 3 questions with information you want to find out about gender roles in that culture. What is the role of women in the Indian population? What is the role of man in India? Do men have more benefits than women in these communities? Write comparative paragraph of your culture and theirs in terms of  gender stereotypes. The co


  Colombia and India are countries where their people handle behaviors, some similar and others very different. All this thanks to the religion that is practiced. Also to its own history, that is, the conflicts of the past, all this defines the type of behavior of a population. To make the comparisons, we rely on the hofstede-insights tool where they define some dimensions and give some scores to the countries.,india/ India and Colombia are said to be similar countries in terms of masculinity and power distance. make it a society that believes that inequalities between people are simply a fact of life and a high score for masculinity indicates that society will be driven by competition, achievement and success, and success will be defined by the winner, a value system that begins at school and continues throughout organizational life. Colombia is a country where its people not only seek their own benefit, they are people who


  Draw a person from the chosen culture. What do they do? How do they look?  (INDIA) Some stereotypes with which we associate the people of India is with their particular appearance, we usually always imagine them dark-skinned, thin, with a large mustache, with a rather peculiar way of dressing, such as in the image where the subject wears a kind of blanket and they usually never wear shoes. We also imagine them as very devout people, since they believe in many gods and are always praying. While in this other image we associate them with the stereotype of being all vegetarians, because of the idea of ​​what cows represent to them, which are seen as sacred animals. We always imagine them coming or having a privileged deal with these animals. These ideas arise from movies, magazines, social networks and information that is obtained informally on the internet, where they always show us these characteristics as typical of all people who live in India. And the multiculturalism of this large


  PRESENTATION JESUS TORRES Hello, nice to meet you, my name is Jesus. I am 20 years. I am from Turbaco Bolivar. Currently, I am an eighth semester mechanical engineering student. I spend my free time watching soccer games. I like to play football. Also, I like running but I use it more to clear my mind. I am a young man who is passionate about the things he does. finally, I like being able to offer my help to others. LAIMEN BENJUMEA Hello, my name is Laimen Benjumea, I am 26 years old, I am from Riohacha, La Guajira, Colombia. I am a psychology student at the Universidad del Norte. I am in 9 semester. I live with my parents in the city of Riohacha, although during my study period I live in Barranquilla. In my spare time I like to ride my bike, go to the sea and be able to swim, as well as weight training in the gym. I like psychology and being able to be available to provide support to people who need it. I hope to help improve your knowledge of India and help break stereotypes.