

Draw a person from the chosen culture. What do they do? How do they look? 


Some stereotypes with which we associate the people of India is with their particular appearance, we usually always imagine them dark-skinned, thin, with a large mustache, with a rather peculiar way of dressing, such as in the image where the subject wears a kind of blanket and they usually never wear shoes. We also imagine them as very devout people, since they believe in many gods and are always praying.

While in this other image we associate them with the stereotype of being all vegetarians, because of the idea of ​​what cows represent to them, which are seen as sacred animals. We always imagine them coming or having a privileged deal with these animals.

These ideas arise from movies, magazines, social networks and information that is obtained informally on the internet, where they always show us these characteristics as typical of all people who live in India. And the multiculturalism of this large population is never taken into account.

As you can see in our images, the characteristics that we draw on the Indians are part of that surface of the iceberg that is found out of the water, which are the aspects that we can easily capture through our senses, some of these are the examples that we use to our images such as clothing, their customs and their appearance, which are at the top of the iceberg and from which not much information is needed to create a perhaps close or wrong idea about the population, but which we will change as we delve deeper into that cultural iceberg of the Indian population.


  1. I really like the pictures and how you explained the stereotypes of Indians most people have. I would like you to add a brief explanation how the icebreg model can be seen through the pictures.

    1. Ok teacher thank you very much, we have already made the requested improvements


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