Gender stereotypes


Gender stereotypes


Based on what is learned in class, brainstorm what you think you know about gender
roles in the other culture?

  • We believe that the Indian population is predominantly sexist.

  • It is possible that the woman dedicates herself more to taking care of the home and raising children while the man is in charge of working and financially supporting his family.

  • We also believe that it is possible for men to have more freedom in certain behaviors such as having more than one partner without being judged.

  • Also, the male workforce may be larger and their wages higher.

  • Women in India are sold to the highest bidder.

Write 3 questions with information you want to find out about gender roles in that culture.

  1. What is the role of women in the Indian population?

  2. What is the role of man in India?

  3. Do men have more benefits than women in these communities?

Write comparative paragraph of your culture and theirs in terms of gender stereotypes.

The countries Colombia and India are separated by thousands of kilometers apart, however these two nations have something in common, and that is that gender stereotypes predominate in both countries. In both Colombia and India, women are the ones who bear the worst, since the stereotypes attributed to them are not very favorable. For example, according to the blog (poverties status-of-women-in-india 2017), women in India are attributed the responsibility of caring for and feeding children and keeping the home clean. The same happens in Colombia where according to (A. Moloney 2015), the traditional gender roles in rural communities, women are expected to stay at home to care for children, while their husbands are the ones who work and maintain the home. But in terms of male roles according to (J. Hays 2008), Indian society is traditionally patriarchal and in its religion, which is Hinduism, the man is the leader of the family, and the is in charge of the household economy. generally the woman it depends on he, and must attend to him in all his needs. In Colombia, according to the blog (kdgarci6colombia.weebly the-roles-of-men-and-women-in-colombia) the Colombian culture focuses on male dominance as a result of a colonial influence, Colombian society adopted a culture in which men occupy a dominant role within the community. As a result of these analyzes we could say that men have more benefits than women in both societies, for example according to ( the male workforce in India is greater than that of the women also earn 25% higher salaries in the same type of jobs. The same happens in Colombia where some jobs are also stereotyped and the female presence is lower, according to (L. Sharkey 2016), on average, men in Colombia earn 20% more than women in the different sectors. In conclusion, both countries, despite the fact that they are constantly fighting for the elimination of stereotypes of and provide equal opportunities for different genders, stereotypes continue to have a great influence on the way each of these genders is seen in various spheres.



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